Our Seasonal Bouquet is an arrangement of softly coloured flowers, showing off the bouquet as a stunningly bright feature, making it one of the most popular choices among our customers. It's timeless look is largely thanks to the plethora of seasonal flowers that make it up.
The beautiful bouquet makes an eyecatching feature, suitable for a variety of occasions, and will be completed with a selection of complimenting foliage as well as additional, smaller colourful flowers to fill your bouquet.
The colours range from peaches and blushes to pastel blues and yellows, all highlighted by the soft greens and whites composed by the foliage and supporting flowers.
All of our handmade bouquets come in three sizes, Small, Medium and Large and exact colours will depend on which flowers are seasonally available, although if you have exact preferences please don't hesistate to get in touch with us and we would be happy to help accomodate any specific requests as much as we can.
Photo is of a £50 bouquet.
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